spm trilogy
9.30 AM.
My handphone rang me up. Was feeling dam tired, also scared a little, so I ignored it.
Pressed the snooze button, when back to sleep, until.......
10.30 AM.
This time, that shit rang again. I was like, Fooookkkk, i have to get up. My heart was
racing like a speed train, i could not think, and yeah, my body parts were numb. Even when i raced to take my bath, and yeah, i took only like 5 mins. At this point, all that was in my mind was, how the fuck did i do for spm.
11.15 AM.
After putting on my so called lucky shirt which worked during the PMR, i raced to school. When i arrived, the next minute, the first hint of spm results was coming out. Ppl sed that betty was already coming down with the golden papers and sticking them on the board. What was even more scary was, only those ppl who scored 7a's and above have their names placed up on the board. For those who scored less than a 7, you have to wait a while for your form teacher to come down with your result slip.
I spotted my 2 good buddies, ken hui and wai yee. Ken hui had already viewed his results, as he was one of the first few ppl who saw betty sticking up the results. After tht, ken hui slipped out from the mosh pit which had formed by the board, to catch up with me and wai yee. . I told wai yee and ken hui, all of us are going in together to view the results. We held each other tightly, inching out way closer to the board, and i could already see the papers and the name. Hunting down for 5 jati, the first thing that made me happy was . Thank god.
That means that we are all going to the MAC already. All of us, how bad, we were already getting 7 and above. After much pushing and fighting, finally, we leart that wai che and kh got 10 a's, while you truly, got 7 A's. YEAH, It's 7 blardy a's. Not to say very high compared to other peeps who got a ten straight, but hey, i was kinda relieved, to learn tht i actually managed to reach the 7 and above mark.
11.35 AM
Collected my results slip from cecilia, and thank her for her guidance on moral, for letting me achieve an A2. Seriously, i was really pleased at moral, for i was VERY DOUBTFUL on getting an A. After reviewing my results, i learn that i had actually missed an A for bm, add m3 and biology. Nothing to say much on the bio and bm part, for i kinda anticipated it, buy hey, how could i miss ADD M3. Fucckkkk, arghh, was kinda pissed, nooooo, i actually din get an A for one of the most easiest subjects to score, Moroever, the SPM addm3 paper wasn't really that hard.
11.40 AM
When around congratulating other people, and of course, various feedbacks from other ppl stating how good or how okay 7A's was, to not worry and to be happy on my results. After seeing chia screaming and other ppl like yi ting rejoicing on their 7a's, tht's when i felt happy. YES, at this point, i started hugging and shouting already. I told myself, 7a's and above is Good already. Yeah, it is. I should have reliased other ppl's feelings who got less than 7. Thank god i was sitting right on the fence for the 7 mark. well done man.
After much talking, celebrating and rejoice, me, xiang, chia, kelvin and ken hui decided to eat. Yeah, eat. We ate at MFM, before finally heading home. B4 i went back, i thanked my tuition teacher and school teacher for making my A1's possible. Went to centrepoint to finish up some job errands and finally, later at night, my parents had a celebration dinner with my relavties and their friends for me. Was really pleased, and of course, very happy at all the angpows they gave me for a job well done. Thank you very much.
To sum it up, this is how my results went,

If you include the GCE-O levels english, then it will be 8a's. If not, it will be seven.
On what i missed, b3 for BM is acceptable for me. Seriously acceptable. I know it's hard, and i told myself i am willing to accept a B for BM.
Add M3 for fucking unexpected. How the hell did i actually get a B for that. Dam shit man. Seriously, i was already quite confident when i did the paper, i was quite sure of and A. Oh well, spoilers do happen, like how Brokeback Mountain lost the oscar to Crash. Kinda the same situation here. Haih.
Bio, no comments. I know it was bad, and fuck, the results was just as bad. Nothing much to say about it, mayb the only this i could have rejoiced on is that at least i got a credit for it.
To those who did not do so well, congrats on your effort you put into your exam. Remember, it is to break your limits, not other people's limits. So, don't bother comparing.

Don't even think of it!
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