back, and finally writing (part 2) .
Yes, i promised you all to continue the story. So, here I am, picking up from the ending of the last post. Oh well, i just finished blogging about the journey and the resorts, so, what are we waiting for? It's time to blog about the activities there.
First and foremost, food in Tioman ain't really that good. I only manager to find one good chinese store cooking up fantastic cheese crabs and fish, and only one malay store serving really yummy and delicious honey marinated ikan bakar. That's throughout my WHOLE JOURNEY kay? The rest of the restaurant really SUCKED big time, as in taste was rather bland and food wasn't really that delicious. Don't be suprised, the hotel food sucked the worst, yet it was the MOST EXPENSIVE.
4. Snorkelling and islang hopping :- the reason for visiting Tioman.
Snorkelling was great. We chartered a boat, (RM 60 each) to go island hopping. Island hopping really rocked, as you can really discover the wonders of the South China Sea. Not only Pulau Tioman was great, other surrounding island were just as good, or even better. To start you all off, i will show you all a map of tioman, before pointing out to where are my snorkelling destinations are.

This is an overall map of Tioman. My resort, (Berjaya Tioman) is located at Tekek. Those red and blue dots are my snorkelling and island hopping trail, which will be explained in the next paragraph.
Okay, I left my resort at about 10.00 AM to adventure on my snorkelling trip. Now, following the RED DOTS, my boat passed Lalang/Paya and made it's way to Tulai Island. Noticed the 2 blue dots before approaching Tulai Island? Okay, this is the spot I snorkelled for the first time. It was also the DEEPEST snorkelling spot. Roughly 25 metres to the ocean bed, the water was crystal clear, and i could actually spot some scuba divers down in the ocean. We all straped on our body tightly to the lifejackets, for if you get cramps at this point, drowning is no suprise.
Fishes were abundant, and we were actually kinda freaked out when a bunch of fishes swam close to us. It really gives you the ticklish feeling on your skin.
Next, we made our way to Tulai Island's beach. The beach here was SUPERB. The best on my trip, and the best I had ever seen. Time for some pictures !!!

B4 the boat reached the island, we were already gasping with OOOOHHHHssss and AAAHHHHssss by the fantastic, clear blue water.

An even stunning shot.

The beach. Picture says it all.

Me and kee peng with our snorkelling gear. Using our snorkelling gear, it's off to snorkel !!

With everything in place, it's time to jump in.
While snorkelling, funny things do crop up. While combing the seabeds, poof, this damn old seacucumber got into our way.

Poking it with a stick.

Sharing plans on for to BBQ this thing. Or worst, eat it raw?
Of course, a trip is never complete without burying someone in the sand. This time, it will be tadah.....

He wanted to be a mermaid. With those boobies, even the merman can't resist them!!

"I'm so sexy, come fuck me" pose? Urghhh

Quick, seduce the shit out of her boobies when she's asleep !

Shall we say the thing circled in red is the mermaid's bush? It's up to you to decide!
Okay, enough of mermaids, hornyness and fantasy, it's time for some picture posing. A must, i say, in every holiday.

Me and my friend, Coco. She's from China, and she's currently studying at KBU. Also working in Champs partime.

Haih, this 2 people need no introducing lah. It's that same old damn people you knew since highschool.

Me and May Yi, also studying alongside with Coco in KBU.

And finally, myself. This time, with shades. A little bit more cover up.
After having loads of fun at Tulai Island's beach, it was time to go over to Salang to have our lunch. Lunch was simple, with me having a toast bread with egg and beef. There was this abonded resort (also by berjaya) at Salang, which UNFORTUNATELY did not get the CF (certificate of fit) to operate as it was built at a really sloping hillrange. It looked really nice from the outside tho.

The resort. Sadly, it's abondoned. Boohoo.

Beach at Salang.
After having lunch at Salang, it was time to leave for one more snorkelling trip at Monkey Bay, before going to the marine park. Snorkelling at Monkey Bay was the best ever snorkelling area, because it was rather shallow and of course, we were close to the corals.
Next stop, the marine park. Here, for RM 2, you can get bread to feed the fishes. One advice, NEVER feed the fishes while you're in the water. Make sure you are at least a good distance away from the fishes while you throw the food. Don't freak out when at least a thousand fishes dash to you when you're holding the food in the water. You don't want them to end up nibbling on your body man.
After spending time at the marine park, it was time to leave for tekek, back at where we started. When we arrived at the hotel, it was time for a nap and yeah, to dinner. Woohoo, on to the next topic, which is .......................
5. Wine and dine :- the unforgettable tax free experience.
Booze was dirt cheap back in Tioman. Thanks the the goverment's tax free rule on EVERYTHING on this island, beer turned out to be more economical compared to a bottle of water. Take for example, One can of Tiger, RM 2.50 VS One bottle of mineral water RM 2.80. That's how cheap booze is.
I am not saying anything bad about the tax, but i feel the goverment is REALLY RIGHT to impose huge taxes on the townfolk. God help the nation if there is no tax on Booze and Cigarettes, for everyone will be consuming it like nobody's business. There's when zaman jahiliah will re-live it's moment in the Klang Valley.
Okay, enuf of that, on to my main topic.

At RM 2.50 per can, where to find man?
As written on my last post, Berjaya Tioman had a Bar and a Disco. The nightlife tunes up at night, with a liveband singing, and a dancefloor spinning.

The beachbar at night.
***to be continued in part three ***
p/s:- it's already 4.37 AM, and i have to go down to Ipoh tomorrow for a wedding dinner.
sorry for the sudden hang in the storyline.
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