the 31st
Today, is an auspicious day. Why? Because it's a holiday. That means, we do not need to go to school, and more importantly, I do not need to do MUET articles today. So basically, it all boils down to this :-

I really miss the crazy times in my old school, where everyone will be shouting, karaoke-ing and singing along to the patriotic songs. Hey, they're nice ok? I personally like Jalur Gemilang and Tanggal 31.
Still remembered the lame version of Tanggal 31?! The hamsap wan i mean, i think it goes like,
Tanggal seluar dan baju,
Bulan depan tarik kereta cikgu,
Tak malu, tak malu
Koteknya Berbulu,
Ini pasti menjadi sejarah.
If you guys din't know what kotek means, it simply means a dick alright. Haha... Yeah just for laughs, no intentions to insult the song. If you're too sensitive to the joke, might as well forget what i said, and don't give a shit about it.
So anyway, we're all happy today. Yippie yeah yeah!!
the version i kinda remember was
tanggal seluar dalam kamu
haha, this wan, my bro teach me wan.
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