the fair, 07'
I went down to the PC Fair for a quick grab at my long awaited canon printer and AM/FM modulator.
It was quite a worth buy, as they were slashing prices. The crowd there was horrible, and most of the people were just browsing around. I mean, next time they should only open PC Fair Doors to interested customers, and not those who just go there to freeload free bags, or worst i saw one guys staring at the girls, and I bet with ya he had a boner down in his pants. Cheap people.
Oh yes, i got myself an IP3300, using the think thanks tech, which means it has 3 color ink tanks (cyan, magenta and yellow) and black.
Yeah, with the AM/FM modulator which i got for Rm 50.
Talking about printers, i put my trust in Canon Printers. Not only their printing quality is top notch, but their customer service rocks too. My old printer's print head suddenly went kaput, thank god it was still under warranty, i just sent it back to Canon, and no questions asked, they replaced it for free, promptly.
It's kinda economical to use canon printers, ask each separate ink tank is only about Rm40. Quite cheap i say.
Oh gosh, why does this sound like an advertisement?
Owh, and they were nice enough to throw in a free bag, plus 90 sheets of glossy photo paper and a RM20 Petronas voucher.
Alright, next..........
My bowling Club's photo is finally taken. and....
Yah, a great candid shot. Hehe.
Mmm.....what else happened? Oh yeah, for our quantitative salt analysis experiment, we were given a solid, QA1 and we were supposed to test out its identity.
Man, the gas it released stinked, and it was browish shit-like in colour.
The brown gassy stuff emitted, when QA1 solid is burnt.
Top view.
Here comes the interesting question of the day. Which anion you think is present in the QA1 solid? Haha, who gets the answer right first wins a meal on me.
Oh ya, those who did the exp in school, since u guys know the ans already, wait for my next quiz lah. Haha
gas bromin... i think its wrong . lol xD i suck at chemmm . xD
hmm..haha. no
So obvious... NO2 was released...
But u didn't mention that it made the glowing splint light up or something like that... so O2 was also released.
2NO2 + O2 -> 2NO3(-)
Answer is nitrate ion =)
Alright, now back to the main topic,
Btw, I clicked on that ad of yours so you'll have and extra 30sen when u belanja me ;)
sonic: haha, yeah, no problem. one day lah
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