event coverage
Before i get onto my past events, yeah backlog of cases, since i had very little time to blog a month ago, just a short notice, i will be leaving for Langkawi on the 16th to the 19th of December. Many thanks to a certain person, Ee Fei who provided me with a tip off for cheap Air Asia tickets.
The whole 16 of us managed to book tickets at an amazingly low price of RM7.77 one way, and a return ticket at a stunningly low price of Rm7.77 too. When airport tax and fuel surcharge is added in, the total, grand total is only standing at , for a return tix, mind you. Yeah, it is that hell cheap, imagine, only rm 50 plus for a one way ticket there. Heck, even the buses can't beat this, well only maybe they can match this. But then, it's gonna be a 9 hour long ride, and you'll have to sit the ferry. Oh god, don't get started on the danger.

Jeng jeng jeng..... 9 persons for only RM 940.86. Oh well, the could only handle 9 names at one time, and we were scared as hell that when we returned to book the other 7 names, the special price offer would be taken off. Thank god it was still on.
Yeah, and then just out of curiosity, i checked the Malaysia Airlines website to see how much a single return ticket to langkawi would cost, and i started clicking away....

And now when i put it side by side with my Air Asia offer, i can just laugh at what we all made. Compare RM572 to RM 104.99. Yes, although i know MAS serves food and board and of course their seats are a tad more spacious, but cmon, it's only a 45 mins flight.
Who gives a damn?! Its the cost that matters. Hehe
Alright, i know i should not get too excited about this trip, as there is still stpm to look forward to. I'll keep you guys tuned in for more updates on the getaway, but for the time being....
Cousin's baby full moon party @ PJ Tai Thong.

You guys gotta love events, be it a party or a celebration dinner. The food will kill you man!
Maybe i should just introduce some of my family member to you guys first, before we get on down to the juicy details of the menu.
Guy on the left is my cousin, yeah. my cuzzie and his gf. Gettin married next year, aha ! More ang pows to collect.
My cousins. Or wait, i think i am supposed to be an uncle to them. Yesss. i am as old as an uncle already. And most of them are only abt 2-3 years younger than me, averagely.
My aunt + relative uncle. We all call him Mr Taliban. Just check out his mustache. Man, that's a winner definitely.
A celebration is NEVER complete without booze. But then again, you guys ought to award me a gold medal for only taking in 1 a glass of black label. 1 glass only lahh. Yeah, i was driving.

The main star of the night, the baby. Oh well, babies get even much cuter when the age by the months, don't they?
Red hard boiled eggs. A custom at every full moon event. Or was it, birthday?
Shark's fin. Not really up to standard, but oh well, still manageable.
The chicken was quite good, juicy and delicious.
My favorite prawn dish. Those wheat-kinda shet "don't know what you call it" stuff on top is really delicious.
The overall atmosphere.
I still have some more pics, but i got to go, need to get something done. Till then , later times. Bye.
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