you just gotta love nuffnang
A little good surprise came in for me today, at least a minor one. As you guys know, all these while, i have been getting peanuts, yeah absolutely peanuts from nuffnang. Was about to curse them to hell, for being such a con until.......
The statement for my weekly ads came in. Yeah for this week....

Wah, santa claus man. Seriously, since i started advertising with them, it started off with cents, then a little bit dollars came in, then back to cents, cents and cents, and occasionally a little bit of money.
But then for this week, 14 Oct - 20 Oct, the gave me RM12 just like that. Yeah, must be a glitch in their system since my readers ain't alot.
Oh well, to you guys, PLEASE click more on the adds. I am very broke at the moment, yaya, Langkawi Trip and Prom Night Tix. I hope that i can cash out some bread b4 november.
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