Thursday, April 17, 2008

madness @ 6.45

When the bell rang today, everyone on the car park erupted into a madness frenzy. Then, the school followed suit.


And i came home looking terrible.

But still, teacher still loves and miss all of you guys dearly. I love every second of my time in the school. A sneek peek....

To miss you guys would be an understatement. You guys have booked a place in the deepest part of my heart. And it will remain there, forever.

Thanks a bunch.

P/s:- To the other classes dun jealous yet larr, i am still yet to upload the full blow of the pics. Stay tuned.

Yours truly,
Your coolest teacher ever.

AND, how can we forget Mr Chuah tomorrow?

Flour, check.
Water bombs, check.
Tomato sauce, check.


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