I'm a Standout in life
The world is filled with many opportunities, and standing out is probably taking some of these and making them work magically for you.
Defining the word standout through academic terms would be doing something remarkably superior to others, but I think the best definition one can give is to actually share their own standout experiences with others.
So, what does a Standout mean to me?
1.Going places eating, and having the motto, Eat Everything While You're Alive.
And when I mean eating, probably the first challenge to finding good food is the arduous and long journey, just to eat.
Satay Celup all the way from Malacca, wait, who cares about the cholesterol now?
Topping that off, having the joy of the Boss's company to take photos with us,

Like they say, if good treats does not hurt your wallet, its gonna take your time up.

Who cares if its gonna give you diabetic problems later on in life, eat it now when you're able.
2. Going all out by whatever means to record one in a lifetime moments.
Haha, oh yes, if you do know me well enough, I have actually tried out many successful ways to actually capture videos which seemed impossible to capture. Like hanging on to dear life to my cam, recording while looping through roller coasters, and most recently, since I was so desperate to take good water park shots ( I don't own an all weather olympus camera, mind you) hence I gotta improvise, so I came out with this plan.
I got those multi purpose zipper lock camera bags which were transparent, online, popped in my camera, and prayed really hard that no water leaks in. If it does, say bye bye to my cam.
And the results, heh, not too bad for a first timer lah.
Thankfully my cam's still functional after that.
That's how close i needed to go to get those shots.

Till then, I hope this Standout Event would be, a blast like classic nuffnang events.
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