packed my bags;
and I'm ready to leave for Kuantan. Hah, just for 1-2 days, don't worry. Will be back soon enough.
And so, it does not take a genius to tell you what season I'm in right now. Yeah, season like the mating season, hibernating season, hunting season, whatsoever wheresoever.
I've got 3/5 completed, 2/5 to go, next week. Lugged my stuff along to Kuantan with me, probably gonna study in the hotel library or chill out room (if there is one), of if the hotel doesn't have both, in the room lah.
I'm sure most of you here are going like, so how was the exams and shit and so on. Here is my battle report on my first three papers.
Law 101.
Honestly, OK. I give it a 6.5/10. Yes its an open book exam, yada yada, loads of flipping through the contracts act and stuff, nailed some questions good, missed one or two, but overall, I would call it quite alright, considering my mid terms was a big blow up. ( Miraculously, I still managed to get like 11/20 for it, god knows how). Yes, when I said big blow up on my midterms, I totally wrote one question wrongly, 100% wrongly, and guess how many questions were there in the exam, yeah, 2 question. I got 1/2 screwed, which is 50% fucked up, and to get a 11/20, oh well, I think you can see how much sympathy marks I got for question 2. Yeah, my final exam started off a little pitchy here and there, there was a little bit of uncomfortable moments, but I think when I got to the middle, I sort of picked up and it started rocking dude, yeah like that was the bomb alright. But overall, it was just OK for me, just ok.
YA LAH, I was watching American idol just now ok, been following it like crazy alright.
Management Accounting, ACC 103.
Probably one of the hardest subjects so far for me, in HELP. Exam wise, I would say I performed a 6.9/10. Here's something very, VERY interesting in the exam. Naturally, it was a subjective question, and I did the question on my first try, no problem. Finished the whole paper, had 1/2 hour left, was checking through everything. Now came the shitty part, it was this subjective question (10 marks i think), which when I checked back, the angel whispered , and the devil came along. I re-did the whole question on a fresh sheet of paper, and the answers were different. AND I WAS FUCKING STUCK IN THE "WHICH ONE SHOULD I PASS UP DILEMMA." My first answer seemed good, but then my 2nd answer seemed better. My first answer seemed more logical, because it was a round number, but my 2nd answer seems screwed up because it had a ton shit of decimals.
I sat down and think. I though of what my more
And me myself, I did come across situations where my 2nd answer totally fucked things up. And so, after pondering all the points above said,
Don't ask me why. WHAT THE FOOKIEMAU RIGHT?! I just have to pray I hit the jackpot this time. God help me.
ITC 101.
Dumb subject, lazy to elaborate. Pass can already lah.
Just to roll things up since Jan, I'll show you bits and pieces from my cam, all random events. Full reported posts will be up only AFTER my exam.
No 1: Last time I touched those semi-heavily, Dec 31 08/Jan 1 09.
No 2: Thanks to No 1, everyone had a great one at Pat's.
No 3: Rule of the thumb, Where we go, where the MJ table goes.
No 4 : Wei Loon had an awesome 21st, in Jan.
No 5: Food that night was great.
No 6: Had a few rounds of gambling, and MJ after that.
No 7 : Long live Chor Ti. Fuck man, look at Shon's long hair back then. Have to use rubber band and tie wei, like my maid liddat.
No 8: It was Quin's 21st @ Michelangelo's, Soho KL, Mont Kiara. And yes, the pasta there is godlike. Spoiler abit heh, prices are very steep, Rm 50++ for a plate of that, I think the bill came up to almost RM 300 for 3 poeple (inclusive of the Guiness Stout lah)
No 9: Oysters were VERY very good. Really fishy and juicy.
No 10: Quin getting all dirty gulping em down.
No 10: The carbonara tasted so rich, it didn't taste like the cheap ass williams condensed milk version, it was just different, and special.
No 11: Tiramisu FTW!!!
Oh shit, I should not have posted the pics up, damn hungry now, gotta cook Korean Mee right now, till then lar, wait for my other pics to be up.
See yah, and good night !
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