Alright people, STPM is drawing closer and closer, more like a sword getting nearer and nearer to my throat, and yes, stress level at the moment is at its highest.
Very very teruk. Nothing much to blog about, as you know exams= social life decrease = no mood= i am a loser feeling now. Just some old events, which i yet to show you guys.
Alright, on another note, something less depressing, SMK Sas students decided to have another bowling meeting a few weeks back.

Haha, doesn't take a genius to find out where there is a black patch on the photo.

David on the left, and ckent on the right. Probably reacting to someone else's strike, as the person with the lowest score of the day, was teased badly. Haha

ATS with the, erm wtf pose.

We booked a total of 4 lanes, and i bet withcha everyone at the bowling alley was cursing us, as we were really a noisy pack there.

Discussing bowling strategy plans.

The current bowing prez, Hwee Chee in action.

Tysern in action. It was a strike, i presume. =p

Doesn't take a genius to find out, who bowled 200+ and whose initials are T right?!

Eh, banyaknya bola. Ambil mana eh?! Sound so horny yah?! Talking about that, there was this hamsap version jingle bells song, which me and my friends created when we were younger, it goes,
Ding Dong Balls, Ding Dong Balls,
Hanging on the wall,
One so big, One so small,
Look like canon ball, owh
Ding Dong Balls, Ding Dong Balls,
Hanging on the wall,
One so big, One so small,
Look like canon ball.
Small one fifty cents,
Big one one dollar,
Which one do you want,
.......................... bla bla bla,
you get the point. Oh goodness, i was so hamsap last time.

Wei Loon and Shing Yie.

1/4 of the girls in the Bowling Club,
And, at last, a group photo.

Take one. Oh well, take two was questionable......

Alright, me going to study. See you guys, bye !
P/s : please continue clicking the nuffnang ads above. I need a little more to cash out, and i am hell broke at the moment. So so so broke. Much thnx to all that clicked. Hehe