@ Langkawi (2)
to those imposters on my chatbox, grrrr, teacher will get you ok !!!! anyway, ignore those crazy remarks by "tysern" and "cxchuah". you guys got nth better to do man. swt.
Let's just pick up from where i stopped alright, which is, at the Langkawi International Airport.
17th Dec - Day 2, in Kuah Town.
Oh yeah, the apartment check in. Alright, to those who are booking hotel rooms, whether for domestic travel or international travel, please REFRAIN from going through agents. THEY SUCK BIG TIME.
Alright, cutting that out, let's put the fun parts in shall we.
The guys chilling @ Century Suria Apartments.
Everyone was dead tired, and was eager to skip on to the next day where we adjourned to our better hotel, Best Star Resort. Now this is a good, cheap and great hotel. I highly recommend this. Contact me for the details, if you're interested.
This is how the guys spent their night alright. Don't talk about the backsores the next day. Anyway, most of the girls and a few lucky guys were occupying the rooms, so poor poor us.
Anyway, rise and shine, it was morning the next moment we blinked.
Our beach front hotel, Best Star Resort. Anyway, after dumping our bags, we adjourned to the underwater world, which was very near out hotel.
Oh yah, did i tell you guys, we booked 2 vans, or rather rented 2 vans. 2 huge ass vans, and they were in rickety condition. There was NO, yes i repeat NO POWER STEERING, the gearbox had serious issues, ( 3rd gear was like trying to shove up durians, up where the sun don't shine), and the brakes were as good as bicycle brakes. Not to say, we BUSTED the air-con when we returned the vans, and the alternator was kong-ed out. But who cares, it ferried us everywhere we wanted to go anyway.
Anyway, before hitting the Underwater World, we stopped by for some mamak fried rice.
The food,
It was like eating sand, mixed into rice. And the telur dadar, REALLY STINKS for god-damn knows what reason.
Aerial shot of everyone. Miss Tan again, stealing the lime light.
When everyone was ready.
The rice that sucked.
Alright, enough pics of the lunch, right after lunch, we crossed over to the Langkawi Underwater World. Anyway, i found it a little over-rated. If you have been there, it would be a wise choice to save up the 20 bugs to enter. You'll probably see the same old thing. But for me, nevertheless, it was a first time thing so i though it was rather pleasing.
Yeah, in Langkawi, u can get 12 cans of beer for RM20. So, think twice, alright. Haha.
Spot, errr, nothing. Oh well.
Medium Kok, Jason, Jess and TS staring at fishies.
Ooohhhh, those cutie penguins.
All lining up. Oh yeah, did i tell you their tank smelled like 100 cans of shark shit. It really stank man, thank god i had the flu bug. If not, i think i would have fainted on the spot.
All right, enough penguin photos. After that, i was so bushed up and tired i just crashed out on the hotel bed. Ohhh, it just felt like bliss, after one full day of not sleeping. Yes, i did not get any sleep at the condo.
Yeah, seriously just KO-ed on the bed. Flat, while the other still had energy to go play at the beach. Anyway, after the one hour power nap, i felt SO MUCH BETTER.
And we visited Telaga Tujuh. Oh well, bad luck, my cam batt died on me, so i am gonna have to rip some off pics Patrick's blog alright.
Telaga Tujuh. OMG, the steps up were a bitch man. Almost 280 steps. Gave my heart a mini heart-attack.
This is where we all started. When everyone was still fresh. Oh yeah, the crazy steps did not start just yet.
Don't ask me why they call it telaga tujuh. Probably there are seven holes up there, that's why.
The edge of the waterfall. Spot Pat at the end, taking some shots.

Pat's shot. Nice and great, as always.

Not the full group. The rest were sooo poo-pooed out that they went straight to the vans and rested.
All right, that's all for the 2nd day, 3rd day would be island hopping and the drinkin session.
Haha, don't miss out the next part. Loads of juicy details to be revealed.
That's all, see you guys, bye.