Oh yeah, part 3. It's still on the 2nd day, or rather, night. Yeah, i know most of you guys are like, O-M-G, you're so darn slow, but oh well, you know tysern lah.
If i do not write about this, prolly you will never ever get to see this, because our redang/tioman island trip is actually on its way. Yeah another holiday, so ......
After making trips to the duty free store, and after the shocking prices of the cheap liquor, everyone pool-ed in money to stock up to have a few sips to spend the night away at the beach.
What planned out to be a few sips thing, oh well lead to bucket loads of puking and KO-ing in the toilet, bed or anywhere you name it. So oh well, here goes,

We had more than that i assure you. Besides martini, finlandia vodka which was very punishing and midori (the green thing in pat's hand), there was 2 crates, yes 2 crates of beer (48 cans), bottles of kampai, heineiken and the list just goes on.
Did i tell you kok hui used Guiness Stout to take his bath, just because he said it was too darn cheap ?!

Yeah, everyone was like riding on clouds. Alright, some were already goners in the photo.

Sixteen people drinking away. The room reeked like an alcohol brewery. Really bad.
Common sense can tell you, it wasn't long before we had our first casualty of the night. David. Yes, i have videos of him talking crap and crashing out cum puking, but i don't think it's really appropriate for me to post it up here.
Yeah so anyway, KC was the other goner the next night, and from all these, we can learn 3 lessons from it.
Lesson One : Bottoms-up is a huge NONO, even for experienced drinkers.
Lesson Two: When drinking, prepare puking plastic bags that do not have holes in them. Yeah tysern had to catch the puke with his hand when the plastic bag gave way. (Sick ehhh)
Lesson Three: Do not say, "eh let me nap awhile first, then only afterwards i come join you guys lar". That's what happened to Thong Siang, next thing he woke up, it was morning, and the night party was over.
We chartered afternoon speedboats to go, where else, ISLAND HOPPING. Which was probably one of the best bits of the trip, but then again, Tioman/Redang's Island Hopping seriously beats the shit out of this one. Anyway,

Jetty Group shot. It sucks to be a photographer sometimes u know.

The other boat, and our boat......

Yeah, 8 to a boat. Anyway, the boat ride was a blast.

We were in front. Waves were a little choppy, thank god all of us were seasick free.
It wasn't long before we reached our destination, the viewing spot of the Dayang Buting Maiden. What a con-job. Just by looking from our boat, that was already considered one location visited. So anyway, it was supposed to be a profile of a woman lying down, preganant, with her titties and stomach visible.

Her tits ain't big, but then again to promote tourism, i bet they give names to every mountain the see that looks like a human. Notice that they always say mountains resemble girls, why....
Simple, cause of the boobs. You will never ever hear a profile of a man which resembles mountains, cau'se guys are just plain boobless.
So anyway, i bet you can see the "face", "boobs", "tits" ( if you have a vivid imagination), and the pregnant stomach. Anyway, after viewing, they dropped us at the island. Time for some swiming.

On the jetty, photo again. Boat one participants.

Boat two. Oh yeah, this time i am in. Check out my uber-gaya shades, at the right-most position.

The lake. Rumour as it that if you have problem makin babies, come here and swim. You'll get your share. Lala David was being crazy and told us, EHH DON'T SWIM IN THERE AFTER YOU GET PREGNANT. ( tssskkk, we're guys la, my dear...)
Oh well, i did come home from langkawi pregnant, only that it was a beer belly, nothing else.

Did i tell you the lake was fucking deep. So darn deep until we nearly got a massive heart attack, just from kicking to stay afloat. And the service sucked there, there wasn't enough life jackets to be rented. Thank god we had a football to keep us afloat. And there was only one ball, to be shared by 16 peeps.

Chong & Jason chilling @ the platform.

Hitching a ride on Quin. Yeah, what to do when you're tired.

Definately one of the best picture of the trip. Everyone @ the platform. Omg, my hair's retarded. Damn.

Shon and david on the other hand were water pussies, so they opted to rent the solar boat.
The next destination was pulau beras basah, quite a nice place to chill out. Beach was quite clean.

Urghh, mind the uncensored fugly bushy armpits. Din't have the time to edit em.

The view, from the beach. Ooohhh, look at the steamy action on the right.

Haha, Mr Chuah trying to crank up his tits. Sorry lah, no matter how hard you try, it's still smaller than mineeeeeee.

Li Chieh and Big Tits King. OMG, i am so naughty. =) (Yeah, i edited that)

Aerial view.

Last group shot b4 we left.
After that, it was back to the hotel, dinner at KFC in Kuah, shopping, and guess what,

When everyone was still doing all right, cept Thong Siang, mayb. Btw TS is the guy in black t-shirt, in the mid, looking the super blurest.

You could see that Ken C and ChongX was freaking high already.
Anyway, it wasn't long b4 the pukefest started, and the 2nd casualty after david,

Ken Chong was super goner after vomiting. At the back, quin was also quite blushing i suppose.
Trust me, the room was as gone as hell. It reeked like mad, and everyone on cloud nine. Almost everyone was pissed high.
Next episode was everyone snoozing away soundly on their beds. Definately, with the help of the alco, everyone had a fantastic good nights sleep.
Last part on the langkawi ( the final day) will be covered in another post. Do stay tuned for nicer stories. Till then, good night.